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AlbertMarquet_Artist Exhibition


AlbertMarquet_Artist Exhibition

AlbertMarquet_Artist Exhibition

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AlbertMarquet_Artist Exhibition

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1) Albert Marquet, born in Bordeaux, Gironde, France on March 27, 1875 to June 14, 1947 (age 72), was a French painter, associated with the Fauvist movement.

2) He initially became one of the Fauve painters and is a lifelong friend of Henri Matisse. He painted in a more naturalistic style with primarily landscapes, but also painted several portraits.

3) Between 1910 and 1914, he painted several female nude paintings. Marquet began studies in 1892 at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts under Gustave Moreau, a symbolist artist of the Romantic tradition.

4) From 1907 to his death, Marquet alternated between working in his studio in Paris and many parts of the European coast and in North Africa. He was most involved with Algeria, Algiers, & Tunisia.

5) Although Marquet is conventionally regarded as a minor painter, some consider that 'his feeling for color, the lightness or darkness and saturation of it, its weight, is nothing less then astounding.'

6) Marquet was particularly revered by the American painters Leland Bell and his wife Louisa Matthiasdottir. Because of this, younger American figurative artists had an appreciation for him.

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