What is an Eternal3d Life Celebration Project?
As technology continues to advance, the way we commemorate and celebrate the lives of loved ones is also evolving. One of the latest trends in this area is the rise of virtual 3D museums and exhibits, which offer a unique and immersive way to honor the memories of our loved ones. One of the most notable examples of this trend is the Eternal 3D experience, which allows individuals and families to create a customized 3D exhibit of their loved one's life. Eternal 3D uses advanced 3D scanning and modeling technology to make a detailed and accurate copy of the person, as well as a virtual museum that shows their life story, accomplishments, and memories.
3D Virtual Memorials and Mausoleum
If you will host a virtual memorial or celebration of life, use Eternal 3D to create a virtual exhibition tour. It is complementary to virtual funerals. It is a virtual tour where you can project the life of the beloved one along with the virtual memorial participants. You can create a virtual exhibition that best reflects your loved one. This virtual tour project can be active, collaborative, quiet, or reflective. You can ask other relatives for feedback and include videos and photos about the loved one's favorite activity, such as reading, cooking, biking, swimming, traveling, meditation, or family gatherings. The future of this 3D virtual tour and 3D museum-like structure is to allow multiple users to interact together online while visiting the 3D mausoleum. Not everyone can come to a funeral, so a virtual 3D exhibition can help to commemorate and celebrate loved ones. This blend of technology and style creates something truly beautiful, modern, and seamless.
3D Virtual Exhibitions
3D virtual exhibitions are an exciting way of promoting individual artists, art events, galleries, personal memories, and cultural spaces to a worldwide audience. In these "new normal" times, lockdowns are a frequent measure of protection against diseases. Online exhibitions have become a great alternative for art lovers and life celebrations, offering an enjoyable, risk-free viewing experience.
Different types of Virtual exhibition
Let's not forget about 3D online art galleries for current and past artists. 3D virtual exhibitions are an exciting way to promote individual artists, art events, and exhibitions, using this 3D virtual tour that can be navigated using a phone app or through the web. 3D exhibits are convenient and accessible, open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for the duration of the show. These online 3D galleries can last a week, or a month, or even exist as a permanent exhibition that can be regularly updated. Online exhibitions reach a global audience of collectors who, although not able to visit the physical space, can remotely access a rich and interactive space.
How much does a 3d Virtual Tour cost?
These 3D virtual tours are always free to the invited or visiting users of the 3D virtual gallery. They can be public or private based on the option selected by the user.
3D Virtual Exhibition Tours
Please note that these virtual exhibition tours have been tested and should work on all common devices, browsers, and operating systems (using a desktop computer with Windows, Mac, or Linux, or a mobile device such as an iPhone, iPad, or Android). Functionality and appearance may vary, as it will adjust automatically to accommodate most visitors.
When using the browsing option, choose the Unity 3D virtual space option to open the full 3D experience. Use the AWSD or the arrow keys to move right, forward, backward, and left. Use your mouse to turn right or left through the gallery spaces. Zoom in and out using the right click of your mouse. In the app, use your two thumbs to navigate the virtual 3D exhibitions and 3D mausoleums. The left thumb will act as the AWSD function, while the right thumb can be used to rotate right or left.
Virtual 3d Exhibitions
Virtual 3d Exhibitions built for individuals as a life celebration and for the commemoration of loved ones can give quite an impression for distant and near relatives. In addition, having an equivalent of a 3D mausoleum can be a good deed of respect for the ones we miss.