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AmritaSherGil_Artist Exhibition


AmritaSherGil_Artist Exhibition

AmritaSherGil_Artist Exhibition

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AmritaSherGil_Artist Exhibition

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1) Amrita Sher-Gil, born in Budapest, Hungary on January 30, 1913 to December 5, 1941 (aged 28), was a Hungarian-Indian painter.

2) She was the niece of Indologist Ervin Baktay. He noticed her artistic talents during his visit to Shimla in 1926 & was an advocate of her pursuing art. He critiqued her work & gave her a foundation.

3) When she was a young girl she would paint the servants in her house, and get them to model for her. The memories of these models would eventually lead to her return to India.

4) Her earlier work displayed a significant influence of the Western modes of painting, more specifically, the Post-impressionism style. She was later told that her artistic personality suited the east.

5) Her art has influenced generations of Indian artists from Sayed Haider Raza to Arpita Singh & her depiction of the plight of women has made her art a beacon for women at large both in India & abroad.

6) On September 18 2023, an artwork by Amrita Sher-Gil fetched $7.4 million (Rs 61.8 crore) at a recent auction, setting a record for the highest price achieved by an Indian artist.

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