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ChristianRohlfs_Artist Exhibition


ChristianRohlfs_Artist Exhibition

ChristianRohlfs_Artist Exhibition

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ChristianRohlfs_Artist Exhibition

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1) Christian Rohlfs, born in Prussia on November 22, 1849 to January 8, 1938 (age 89), was a German painter and printmaker, one of the important representatives of German expressionism.

2) He took up painting as a teenager while healing from an infection that was eventually to lead to the amputation of a leg in 1874. He began his education in 1870 at the Weimar Academy.

3) In May 1922 he attended the International Congress of Progressive Artists and signed the "Founding Proclamation of the Union of Progressive International Artists".

4) Throughout his career he working through a variety of academic, naturalist, impressionist, and Post-Impressionist styles. He has often been viewed as one of the first Expressionists.

5) After his death, the German authorities prohibited the sale of his paintings. Commemorative exhibitions were organized by the Kunstmuseum Basel and the Berner Kunsthalle.

6) In 1929, the town of Hagen opened a Christian Rohlfs Museum. He was received as Honorary Citizen of Hagen. He also received two Honorary Doctorates by the University of Kiel and University of Aachen.

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