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ChryssaVardeaMavromichali_Artist Exhibition


ChryssaVardeaMavromichali_Artist Exhibition

ChryssaVardeaMavromichali_Artist Exhibition

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ChryssaVardeaMavromichali_Artist Exhibition

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1) Chryssa Vardea-Mavromichali, born in Athens, Greece on December 31, 1933 to December 23, 2013 (aged 79), was a Greek American artist who worked in a wide variety of media.

2) She began painting during her teenage years. Her family sent her to Paris to study at the Academie de la Grande Chaumiere where Andre Breton, Edgard Varese, Max Ernst, & Alberto Giacometti were there.

3) In 1954, at age 21, she sailed for the U.S., arrived in New York, & went to San Francisco to study at the California School of Fine Arts. In 1955, she got her citizenship & established a studio in NY.

4) Her first major work was The Cycladic Books, a series of plaster reliefs described as having produced "the purified & stylized geometric relief which is characteristic of Cycladic sculpture."

5) "The Gates to Times Square" regarded as "one of the most important American sculptures of all time," & "thrilling homage" is a 10ft cube installation of two huge As that visitors may walk into.

6) She has created more monographs, and has participated in other solo and group exhibitions. Her work is part of collections in museums such as The Whitney, MoMA, MOMus Contemporary, and many others.

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