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ClaesOldenburg_Artist Exhibition


ClaesOldenburg_Artist Exhibition

ClaesOldenburg_Artist Exhibition

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ClaesOldenburg_Artist Exhibition

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1) Claes Oldenburg, January 28, 1929 to present (age 92), is a Swedish-born American sculptor, best known for his public art installations typically featuring large replicas of everyday objects.

2) Another theme in his work is soft sculpture versions of everyday objects. Many of his works were made in collaboration with his wife, Coosje van Bruggen, who died in 2009; they married for 32 years.

3) His first recorded sales of artworks were at the 57th Street Art Fair in Chicago, where he sold 5 items for a total price of $25. He moved back to New York City in 1956, and met a number of artists.

4) These artists incorporated theatrical aspects and provided an alternative to the abstract expressionism that had come to dominate much of the art scene.

5) Oldenburg began toying with the idea of soft sculpture in 1957, when he completed a free-hanging piece made from a woman's stocking stuffed with newspaper. Referred to now as 'Sausage.'

6) He won many awards over his lifetime, had a few exhibitions, and one of his sculptures: Typewriter Eraser (1976), was sold for $2.2 million at Christie\'s New York in 2009.

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