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DanFlavin_Artist Exhibition


DanFlavin_Artist Exhibition

DanFlavin_Artist Exhibition

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DanFlavin_Artist Exhibition

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1) Dan Flavin, April 1, 1933 to November 29, 1996 (age 63), an American minimalist artist famous for creating sculptural objects and installations from commercially available fluorescent light fixtures.

2) During military service in 1954 to 1955, Flavin was trained as an air weather meteorological technician and studied art through the adult extension program of the University of Maryland in Korea.

3) From 1959, was briefly employed as a mailroom clerk at the Guggenheim Museum and later as guard/elevator operator at the Museum of Modern Art, where he met Sol LeWitt, Lucy Lippard, and Robert Ryman.

4) His first works were drawings and paintings that reflected the influence of Abstract Expressionism. In 1959, he made assemblages and mixed media collages that included found objects from crushed cans.

5) In the summer of 1961, while working as a guard at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, Flavin started to make sketches for sculptures that incorporated electric lights.

6) His first one-person exhibition using only fluorescent light opened at the Green Gallery in 1964. Each of the more than 750 light sculptures that he designed were listed on index cards and filed away.

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