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EmileAbou-Haidar_LovedOnes Exhibition


EmileAbou-Haidar_LovedOnes Exhibition

EmileAbou-Haidar_LovedOnes Exhibition

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1) Katchum batchum, Jedyrah menlmrah, are not typographical errors; but are songs lyrics my grandpa has used over and over again until they became family ritual hymns.

2) I always remember him being so confident, pragmatic, having his head up even during his sickness. He taught me how to be honest, more organized, healthier, less emotional and mostly more practical

3) Spending most of my summer days with him, he never ceased to amaze me with his endless knowledge. He used to mentor me with unusual Arabic lessons and battled me with level 10 riddles.

4) Even though he went through a lot, he never failed to find time to play with his grandkids.

5) I am blessed I have got so many happy memories with such a righteous Man.. Jeddo Emile, you have touched my heart in so many ways.

6) you will always be remembered and cherished forever

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