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ErnstLudwigKirchner_Artist Exhibition


ErnstLudwigKirchner_Artist Exhibition

ErnstLudwigKirchner_Artist Exhibition

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ErnstLudwigKirchner_Artist Exhibition

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1) Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, born in Aschaffenburg, Kingdom of Bavaria, German Empire on May 6, 1880 to June 15 1938 (age 58), was a German expressionist painter and printmaker.

2) He is one of the founders of the artist group Die Brucke or "The Bridge," a key group leading to the foundation of Expressionism in 20th-century art. He volunteered for army service in WWI.

3) He soon suffered a breakdown during his time in WWI and was discharged. His worked was branded as "degenerate" by the Nazis in 1933, and in 1937 more than 600 of his works were sold of destroyed.

4) Many of Kirchner's collectors were Jewish and persecuted by the Nazis for that reason. They either sold off their collections in order to flee the Nazis or had their collections seized.

5) Die Brucke aimed to eschew the prevalent traditional academic style and find a new mode of artistic expression. His studio became a venue to partake in group life drawing sessions.

6) In 1913, the first public display of modern art took place at the Armory Show. In Nov. 2006 at Christie's, Kirchner's Street Scene, Berlin (1913) fetched $38 million, a record for the artist.

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