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GayleenAiken_Artist Exhibition


GayleenAiken_Artist Exhibition

GayleenAiken_Artist Exhibition

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GayleenAiken_Artist Exhibition

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1) Gayleen Aiken, 1934 to 2005, was an American artist who lived in Barre, Vermont. She is considered an Outsider artist.

2) She achieved critical acclaim during her lifetime for her naive paintings and her work has been included in exhibitions of visionary and folk art since the 1980s.

3) Gayleen Aiken produced paintings and drawings that often combined narrative text and image, cardboard cut-outs, and book works.

4) Her themes included music and musical instruments, the large old farmhouse where she grew up, the lyricism of Vermont's seasons, the granite industry, and rural life.

5) These themes were connected via a cast of recurring characters, members of an imaginary extended family which she called the Raimbilli Cousins.

6) Aikens\'s art has also been featured in many exhibitions, including at Lincoln Center Gallery, the American Visionary Art Museum, and Works by Gayleen Aiken (2002) at the Vermont Granite Museum.

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