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GeorgesGholmieh_LovedOnes Exhibition


GeorgesGholmieh_LovedOnes Exhibition

GeorgesGholmieh_LovedOnes Exhibition

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GeorgesGholmieh_LovedOnes Exhibition

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1) You made us all proud, and lifted our name high in Lebanon, and even the world, with your international participations, studies, PHDs,

2) university teachings and positions, achievements as a loyal General Director in the last 15 years of your successful career and more.

3) You have sacrificed for this non forgiving and ungrateful country. You were always the light, and kept the faith that this country will rise up again.

4) You were one of the rarest and decent person in this rotten and corrupted country who dreamt of making changes in the governmental system.

5) Your name will always be engraved in the history of the Lebanese top ranked administration and directorates. It will always be said that there was a decent, and honest man

6) called Georges Gholmieh who no one could make 1 single negative comment on. Euology by Son , Bernard Gholmieh

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