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GeorgesKars_Artist Exhibition


GeorgesKars_Artist Exhibition

GeorgesKars_Artist Exhibition

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GeorgesKars_Artist Exhibition

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1) Georges Kars, born in Kralupy, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary on May 2, 1880 (other sources 1882) to February 5, 1945 (age 62 or 64), was a Czech painter known for his landscapes and nude paintings.

2) When he was 18, Kars studied in art in Munich with Heinrich Knirr and Franz von Stuck. From 1905 he travelled to Madrid & met Juan Gris & immersed himself in the painting styles of Velasquez and Goya.

3) In 1908, he arrived in Paris & settled in Montmartre at the time of the Cubist revolution. It had an influence on his work. An exhibition of his work took place at the Berthe Weill gallery in 1928.

4) When World War II started & Germany occupied Paris, he took refuge in Lyon, where he started to draw children with a sad expression. He made a large number of art depicting refugees seeking shelter.

5) He committed suicide in Geneva on 5 February 1945, most likely after receiving news of the deaths of relatives. When his wife Nora died, the contents of his work was auctioned at the Palais Galliera.

6) Pierre Levy, a French industrialist and art collector, and Oscar Ghez acquired an important part of Kars' artworks. In 1983 the Modern Art Museum of Troyes staged the first Kars retrospective.

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