GeorgesSeurat_Artist Exhibition

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1) Georges Seurat, 2 December 1859 - 29 March 1891 (aged 31), a French post-Impressionist artist. He best known for devising the painting techniques known as chromoluminarism as well as pointillism.
2) While less famous than his paintings, Seurat's conte crayon drawings have also garnered a great deal of critical appreciation.
3) Seurat's artistic personality combined qualities are usually opposed and incompatible: on one hand, his extreme and delicate sensibility, on the other, a passion for logical abstraction and precision
4) The cause of his death is uncertain, and has been variously attributed to a form of meningitis, pneumonia, infectious angina, and diphtheria. His last ambitious work, The Circus, was left unfinished.
5) Seurat was influenced by Sutter's Phenomena of Vision (1880), in which he wrote that "the laws of harmony can be learned as one learns the laws of harmony and music."
6) He heard lectures in the 1880s by the mathematician Charles Henry at the Sorbonne, who discussed the emotional properties and symbolic meaning of lines and color.
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