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HugoSimberg_Artist Exhibition


HugoSimberg_Artist Exhibition

HugoSimberg_Artist Exhibition

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1) Hugo Gerhard Simberg, 24 June 1873 to 12 July 1917 (age 44), was a Finnish symbolist painter and graphic artist. In 1891, age 18, he enrolled at the Drawing School of the Viipuri Friends of Art.

2) He also studied at the Drawing School of the Finnish Art Society from 1893 to 1895, but in 1895 he decided to become the private pupil of Akseli Gallen-Kallela at his wilderness studio in Ruovesi.

3) He studied under Gallen-Kallela for three periods between 1895 and 1897. In 1896, Simberg went to London, and in 1897 to Paris and Italy. He exhibited several works at the Finnish Artists' exhibitions

4) Critical success led to his being made a member of the Finnish Art Association and to his being appointed to teach at the Drawing School of the Viipuri Friends of Art.

5) His paintings emphasize mainly macabre and supernatural topics. His most famous painting, especially in Finland, is The Wounded Angel. Nightwish (band) released a mv influenced by this painting.

6) Another famous painting is The Garden of Death, which, like many of Simberg's paintings, depicts a gloomy, otherworldly scene. It traditionally symbols birth or renewal.

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