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JeanBaptisteRegnault_Artist Exhibition


JeanBaptisteRegnault_Artist Exhibition

JeanBaptisteRegnault_Artist Exhibition

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1) Jean-Baptiste Regnault, born in Paris on October 9 1754 to November 12 1829 (age 75), was a French painter. He began life at sea in a merchant vessel.

2) At the age of fifteen his talent attracted attention, and he was sent to Italy by M. de Monval under the care of Bardin. After his return to Paris in 1776, he won the Grand Prix for his painting.

3) In 1783, he was elected to the French Academie des Beaux-Arts. Besides various small pictures and allegorical subjects, Regnault was also the author of many large historical paintings.

4) His diploma picture, The Education of Achilles by Chiron the Centaur, is now in the Louvre, as are his Trois Graces, Le Deluge, Descente de croix, & Socrate arrachant Alcibiade du sein de la Volupte.

5) His students include: Godefroy Engelmann, Louis Hersent, Charles Paul Landon, Hippolyte Lecomte, Jacques Reattu, Jean-Hilaire Belloc, and many others.

6) Jean-Baptiste Regnault was married first to Sophie Meyer, then Sophie Felicite Beaucourt. He died in Paris. He is buried in Pere-Lachaise Cemetery.

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