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JohnKacere_Artist Exhibition


JohnKacere_Artist Exhibition

JohnKacere_Artist Exhibition

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JohnKacere_Artist Exhibition

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1) John C. Kacere, born in Walker, Iowa on June 23, 1920 to August 5, 1999 (age 79), was an American artist. Considered a one of the original photorealists, although he rejected the term.

2) Originally an abstract expressionist, Kacere adopted a photorealist style in 1963. Nearly all of his photorealist paintings depict the midsection of the female body.

3) He earned his B.F.A. and his M.F.A. from the University of Iowa in 1949 & 1950 respectively. He painted his first photorealist painting in 1969 involving the midsection of a woman dressed in lingerie.

4) In 1978 one of his paintings was used as the cover of musician Jorge Santana's first album. His paintings are figurative but can be considered still lifes of even landscapes.

5) He began his teaching career in 1950 at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada. He also taught in the University of Florida, Arizona State University, Rhode Island School of Design, etc.

6) His paintings are in the public collections of several institutions, including the Stedelijik Museum in Amsterdam, the Portland Museum of Art, and the Speed Art Museum in Louisville, Kentucky.

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