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LeonidAfremov_Artist Exhibition


LeonidAfremov_Artist Exhibition

LeonidAfremov_Artist Exhibition

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LeonidAfremov_Artist Exhibition

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Wall 1

1) Leonid Afremov was born on 12 July 1955 in Vitebsk, Belarus, then former USSR, to Jewish parents Bella Afremova and Arkadiy Afremov. See and buy some of his arts.

2) Afremov was a good student in school and was interested in history and art. He attended all the possible art classes offered in school and took private lessons from local artists.

3) In 1973 Leonid Afremov graduated with honor from high school in Vitebsk and was admitted to the Vitebsk Education Institute where he studied in the arts and graphics department.

4) In March 2001, Afremov's gallery was completely vandalized. Dozens of paintings were destroyed, the artistic equipment stolen and the facility turned into rubble.

5) Then Leonid decided it was time to move somewhere else where he could be treated with deserved respect, eventually moving to the USA in January 2002.

6) In 2004, after graduating high school, Leonid s son Boris was introduced to ebay by his friends. The family knew immediate success and moved their business online since then.

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