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MargaretBourkeWhite_Artist Exhibition


MargaretBourkeWhite_Artist Exhibition

MargaretBourkeWhite_Artist Exhibition

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MargaretBourkeWhite_Artist Exhibition

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1) Margaret Bourke-White, born in New York City, U.S. on June 14, 1904 to August 27, 1971 (aged 67), was an American photographer and documentary photographer.

2) Her interest in photography began as a hobby in her youth, supported by her father's enthusiasm for cameras. Her interest strengthened after studying under Clarence White (no relation).

3) She started a commercial photography studio & began concentrating on architectural & industrial photos. One of her clients was Otis Steel Company, her success was due to her personality & technique.

4) In 1930, she was hired to photograph the construction of what would become one of New York City's most elegant skyscrapers, the Chrysler Building. She secured a recommendation from Fortune magazine.

5) She was the first known female war correspondent, as well as the first woman to be allowed to work in combat zones during WWII. She also served as a photographer for Life during the Korean War.

6) She won four awards: two Honorary Doctorates in 1948 & 1963, an Achievement Award from US Camera in 1963, and an Honor Roll Award from the American Society of Magazine Photographers in 1964.

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