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MichaelBloomberg_Famous Exhibition


MichaelBloomberg_Famous Exhibition

MichaelBloomberg_Famous Exhibition

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1) Michael Rubens Bloomberg, born in Boston, Massachusetts on February 14, 1942 to Present (age 80), is an American businessman, politician, philanthropist, and author.

2) Bloomberg graduated from Johns Hopkins University and Harvard Business School. He began his career at the securities brokerage Salomon Brothers before forming his own company in 1981.

3) That company, Bloomberg L.P., is a financial information, software and media firm that is known for its Bloomberg Terminal. Bloomberg spent the next twenty years as its chairman and CEO.

4) He was elected the 108th mayor of New York City, and the city's third Jewish mayor. Pursuing socially liberal and fiscally moderate policies, Bloomberg developed a technocratic managerial style.

5) In November 2019, Bloomberg officially launched his campaign for the Democratic nomination for president of the United States in the 2020 election. He self-funded $935 million for his candidacy.

6) As of June 2022, Forbes ranked him as the sixteenth-richest person in the world, with an estimated net worth of US$82 billion and ranked 14th in Forbes 400 with net worth $55 billion.



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