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MikeHodges_Director Exhibition


MikeHodges_Director Exhibition

MikeHodges_Director Exhibition

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MikeHodges_Director Exhibition

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1) Michael Tommy Hodges, born in Bristol, England on July 29, 1932 to December 17, 2022 (aged 90), was a British screenwriter, film and television director, playwright and novelist.

2) Hodges found a job in British television as a teleprompter operator. The job allowed him to observe the workings of the studios, and gave him time to start writing scripts.

3) After that, he quickly progressed to producer/director status, with series such as Sunday Break for ABC Television, World in Action for Granada Television, & the arts programmes for Thames Television.

4) Interspersed with his cinema work are some critically successful television films, including The Manipulators (1973), Squaring The Circle (1984), Dandelion Dead (1994), and The Healer (1994).

5) His theatre plays included Soft Shoe Shuffle (1985) and Shooting Stars and Other Heavenly Pursuits (2000), which was adapted for BBC radio. Other radio plays included King Trash (2004).

6) His first novel, Watching The Wheels Come Off, was published first in French by Rivagse/Noir (Quand Tout Se Fait La Malle) in 2009 then in English in 2010.

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