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PhilipMountbatten_Famous Exhibition


PhilipMountbatten_Famous Exhibition

PhilipMountbatten_Famous Exhibition

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1) Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, born in Kingdom of Greece on June 10th, 1921 to April 9th, 2021 (age 99), was the husband of Queen Elizabeth II.

2) After being educated in France, Germany, & the United Kingdom, he joined the Royal Navy in 1939, when he was 18 years old. In July 1939, he began corresponding with the 13 years old Princess Elizabeth

3) Philip left active military service when Elizabeth ascended the throne in 1952, having reached the rank of commander. In 1957, he was created a British prince.

4) As consort to the Queen, Philip supported his wife in her new duties as sovereign, accompanying her to ceremonies such as the State Opening of Parliament in various countries, state dinners, & tours.

5) In 1960, the Queen issued a British Order in Council, which declared that her and Philip\'s descendants who do not bear royal titles or styles may use the surname Mountbatten-Windsor.

6) Philip served as the consort of the British monarch from Elizabeth\'s accession as queen on 6 February 1952 until his death in 2021, making him the longest-serving royal consort in history.



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