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RomareBearden_Artist Exhibition


RomareBearden_Artist Exhibition

RomareBearden_Artist Exhibition

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RomareBearden_Artist Exhibition

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1) Romare Bearden, September 2, 1911 to March 12, 1988 (age 76), was an African-American artist, author, and songwriter. He worked with many types of media including cartoons, oils, and collages.

2) Began his artistic career creating scenes of the American South. Later, expressed the humanity he felt was lacking in the world after his experience in the US Army during WWII on the European front.

3) He returned to Paris in 1950 and studied art history and philosophy at the Sorbonne. Bearden's early work focused on unity and cooperation within the African-American community.

4) After a period during the 1950s when he painted more abstractly, this theme reemerged in his collage works of the 1960s. The New York Times described him as "the nation's foremost collagist" in 1988.

5) Bearden became a founding member of the Harlem-based art group known as The Spiral, formed to discuss the responsibility of the African-American artist in the civil rights movement.

6) In 2017, the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond announced acquisition of Romare Bearden's collage, Three Folk Musicians, as part of the museum's permanent collection.

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