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SybilGibson_Artist Exhibition


SybilGibson_Artist Exhibition

SybilGibson_Artist Exhibition

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SybilGibson_Artist Exhibition

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1) Sybil Gibson, born in Dora, Alabama on February 18, 1908 to January 2, 1995 (aged 86), was an American painter who was a self taught artist.

2) She earned a BS in Elementary Education to become a teacher. For much of her life she had no interest in painting as her ambitions were crushed when a college art teacher told her she had no talent.

3) However, on Thanksgiving Day 1963, aged 55, Gibson took to creating her own wrapping paper designs using tempera paint and brown paper grocery bags. This led to creating art until her death.

4) Howell Raines wrote in June 1971: the paintings are not over-powering, they are truly fragile in the best sense. The colors are delicate, and her realism is tempered with a certain dream like quality.

5) She chose to paint limited subject matter, mainly concentrating on the human form, particularly faces, as well as flowers, birds and small animals. Her style is considered folk art.

6) Gibson's work has been exhibited in more than fifty-one woman exhibitions. Her work is featured in Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of American Folk Art, the Johnson Collection, and more.

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