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SydneyEdmunds2_Artist Exhibition


SydneyEdmunds2_Artist Exhibition

SydneyEdmunds2_Artist Exhibition

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SydneyEdmunds2_Artist Exhibition

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Wall 1

1) Growing up, Sydney Edmunds would sit and draw for hours. In love with the human form, she would draw magazine figures.

2) She loved the old masters, such as Rembrandt and aspired to be like them. At age 11 her family moved to San Francisco; she fell in love with that city instantly.

3) Everything about it caught her eye, the energy, the culture, the creativity. It was full of movement and life that she had never experienced before.

4) Edmunds attended the Academy of Art University in San Francisco where she received a Bachelors degree in Fine Art. She described college as a positive experience

5) and had one truly amazing teacher when attending the university that changed her art forever. "I never thought I would paint contemporary paintings but I love how free you can be,

6) it's all about the movement and color. Whether abstract, figurative, or everything in between, I just want to provoke an emotion with my art to take the viewer to another place."

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