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TeodoricoQuiros_Artist Exhibition


TeodoricoQuiros_Artist Exhibition

TeodoricoQuiros_Artist Exhibition

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TeodoricoQuiros_Artist Exhibition

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1) Teodorico was a Costa Rican painter who laid the foundations of the traditional landscape art. The most important theme of his paintings was the representation of the national landscape.

2) He was Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Costa Rica from 1942 to 1945. He is one of the most important painters of the nationalist generation of Costa Rican.

3) In 1945 he was cultural attache in Mexico, a position that served him to paint various aspects of the great Aztec capital, with compositions of great geometry and luminous contrasts.

4) Between 1952 and 1953 he traveled to the United States and Europe and painted works of various subjects, nudes and portraits, and twelve chorotegas paintings.

5) Between 1955 and 1956 his painting took on an expressionist nuance; He made the mural paintings of Popol Vuh, of indigenous motifs, represented in a gloomy environment of dark shades.

6) He died on July 27, 1977, after receiving the Magon Prize, the most important award granted by the country, for his contribution to culture.

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