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TheoVanRysselberghe_Artist Exhibition


TheoVanRysselberghe_Artist Exhibition

TheoVanRysselberghe_Artist Exhibition

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1) Theophile van Rysselberghe, born in Ghent, Belgium on November 23, 1862 to December 13, 1926 (age 64), was a Belgian neo-impressionist painter, who played a pivotal role in the art scene of 20th cent.

2) He studied first at the Academy of Ghent under Theo Canneel and from 1879 at the Academie Royale des Beaux-Arts in Brussels under the directorship of Jean-Francois Portaels.

3) The North African paintings of Portaels had started an orientalist fashion in Belgium. Their impact would strongly influence young Theo. At age 18, he already participated at the Salon of Ghent.

4) He was one of the prominent co-founders of the Belgian artistic circle Les XX on 28 October 1883. Later on, his next portraits are in rather subdued colors, using different black or purple gradations.

5) He discovered the pointillist technique when he saw Georges Seurat's La Grande Jatte at the eighth impressionist exhibition in Paris in 1886. Eventually, he abandoned realism and adapted pointillism.

6) Much of his works still remain in private collections. They can only be rarely seen. In November 2005, his work Port Cette (1892) fetched a record 2.6m Euros (2.9m USD) at an auction in New York.

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