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ThomasCouture_Artist Exhibition


ThomasCouture_Artist Exhibition

ThomasCouture_Artist Exhibition

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ThomasCouture_Artist Exhibition

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1) Thomas Couture, born in Senlis, Oise, France on December 21, 1815 to March 30, 1879 (age 63), was a French history painter and teacher.

2) He taught such later luminaries of the art world as Edouard Manet, Henri Fantin-Latour, John La Farge, Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, Karel Javurek, and J-N Sylvestre.

3) When he was 11, his family moved to Paris, where he would study at the industrial arts school (Ecole des Arts et Metiers) and later at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts.

4) Shortly after this success, Couture opened an independent atelier meant to challenge the Ecole des Beaux-Arts by turning out the best new history painters.

5) Couture's innovative technique gained much attention, and he received Government and Church commissions for murals during the late 1840s through the 1850s.

6) The Portrait of a Seated Woman from 1850 to 1855 was discovered in the Gurlitt, a Nazi looted art, trove. It belonged to Georges Mandel, and it was restituted to Mandel's heirs in 2019.

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