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VictorVasarely_Artist Exhibition


VictorVasarely_Artist Exhibition

VictorVasarely_Artist Exhibition

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VictorVasarely_Artist Exhibition

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1) Victor Vasarely, 9 April 1906 to 15 March 1997, was a Hungarian-French artist, who is widely accepted as a "grandfather" and leader of the Op art movement. Zebra (1937), earliest example of Op art.

2) In 1927, he abandoned medicine to learn traditional academic painting at the private Podolini-Volkmann Academy. In 1928/1929, he enrolled at Sandor Bortnyik's private art school called Muhely til 1938

3) In Budapest, he worked for a company in accounting and designing advertising posters. He became a graphic designer and a poster artist during the 1930s combining patterns and organic images.

4) He left Hungary and settled in Paris in 1930. Worked as a graphic artist and creative consultant at advertising agencies. He eventually went on to produce art and sculpture using optical illusion.

5) Over the next three decades, Vasarely developed his style of geometric abstract art, working in various materials but using a minimal number of forms and colors.

6) A new Vasarely exhibit was mounted in Paris at Musee en Herbe in 2012. In 2019, a temporary exhibition of his work entitled Le Partage des Formes was displayed in the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris.

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